- August 29, 2024

Digital Magazine Delivers Brand Awareness and Lead Generation
NEW for 2025! We are excited to debut Automation.com Monthly, our new digital magazine which synthesizes the editorial offerings of InTech magazine and Automation2024 magazine into a single digital publication delivered 9 times a year. This combination provides our 118,000 highly influential readers broader, more frequent, and more in-depth coverage of essential automation topics from ISA and industry subject matter experts. This digital magazine is an outlet for your brand advertising and thought-leader articles. Sponsors receive leads of our subscribers who download/access the corresponding issues.
Note: In early 2025, we will be transitioning from a PDF-based digital magazine to a web-based digital magazine, which will greatly improve access, readership and interactivity. With this format change, the article option will remain the same and the full-page ad option will be replaced with a web-based ad option.
2025 Digital Magazine Topics
- IIoT & Digital Transformation = February, June, November
- Includes IIoT, IT/OT convergence, Industry 4.0/5.0, smart manufacturing, digital twin, virtual and augmented reality, additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and wearables.
- Factory Automation & Machine Control = March
- Includes machine automation, PLCs/PACs, computer-based control, motors and drives, machine safety, HMI, operator interface, motion control, robotics, automatic identification, vision, and sensors.
- Industrial Cybersecurity & Safety = April, October
- Includes OT cybersecurity tools and resources, network management and protection, process safety, safety instrumented systems (SISs), burner management systems, fire and gas systems, functional safety, and machine safety.
- Annual Industrial Automation & Control Trends = May
- Includes the latest trends in automation: industrial AI, machine learning, IIoT, edge computing, intelligent sensors, industrial OT cybersecurity, mobile & remote worker empowerment, low-code and no-code development tools, OPC and open network communication, open user-driven control systems, OT cloud and edge computing, digital twins, simulation, autonomous operations, digital manufacturing architectures, internet protocol communications transports, private 5G, wireless communications, real-time manufacturing business systems, robotics and automated material flow
- Enterprise Architecture & Networks = July
- Includes IIoT, control system integration, edge computing, cloud computing, data historians, data analytics, network devices, wireless networks, network protocols, intelligent device management.
- Process Automation & Control = September
- Includes process control, batch control, process safety, DCS, operator interface, SCADA & RTU, instruments and sensors, final control elements, and electrical systems.
Platinum Digital Magazine Sponsorship - $6,610
- Contribute bylined, non-promotional article (800 words maximum) related to digital magazine topic*
- Full-page ad in the digital magazine with live links
- Leads from digital magazine downloads/access
Content Digital Magazine Sponsorship - $4,405
- Contribute bylined, non-promotional article (800 words maximum) related to digital magazine topic*
- Leads from digital magazine downloads/access
Full-Page Digital Magazine Sponsorship - $4,405
- Full-page ad in the digital magazine with live links
- Leads from digital magazine downloads/access
Premium Sponsored Content - $8,290
- Full-page ad in the digital magazine with live links
- Contribute bylined, non-promotional article (800 words maximum) related to digital magazine topic*
- Receive leads from digital magazine downloads/access
- Article will also be published in a premium position on Automation.com’s home page, news, and portal pages
- Article will also be placed in a Featured Content Alert eblast, distributed to 110,000 professionals. Receive leads from clicks on your content
- Article will also be posted on Automation.com’s Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts
*Article Writing Services - $2,200
- Leverage Automation.com’s experienced editorial staff to ghost write your bylined article (800 words maximum based on a single source interview) for inclusion in the digital magazine. Your article is yours to use in other marketing efforts.