Resources for Smart Manufacturing & Industry 4.0

Industrial IoT Trends: WSN, LPWAN & Cloud Platforms

  • White Paper

Wireless sensor networks (WSN), low power wide area networks (LPWAN) and cloud-based platforms are driving growth for the industrial Internet of Things (IoT)

Bridging the IT/OT Divide

  • White Paper

Today’s smarter edge devices can streamline integration efforts while providing secure remote access for end users and machine builders, too

A Guide to Customized PROFINET Validation

  • White Paper

While serial bus systems will continue to play an important role in the future, solutions based on Industrial Ethernet are becoming increasingly common with Industry 4.0 applications. The focus is less on cable measurements, signal levels or signal shapes, but in the case of standards such as PROFINET, utilization and the greatest possible availability of the networks are the focus of interest.

Data Protection Best Practices

  • White Paper

Protecting sensitive data created, stored and consumed by sensor-driven Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology and applications is one of the foundations of trustworthy IIoT systems.

Webinar: Exposing Cybersecurity Total Cost of Ownership

  • Webinar

This presentation shares a unique definition and perspective on Cybersecurity TCO (total cost of ownership). We will expose the unexpected costs of loss with a cyber incident, as well as both the cost savings and value-add to the organization by investing in cybersecurity early.

Smart Transmitters Enable Smart Sensors

  • White Paper

Instrument transmitters became smart by integrating digital technologies, paving the way for instrument sensors to acquire a similar level of intelligence. As we move into the future, digital technology will continue to provide more information from instruments.

Advancing Automation: Control Systems

  • Ebook

Learn the latest from industry leaders on everything from open automation systems for packaging machines to specifying process control systems using IEC 62603 in this Control Systems edition of Advancing Automation from

Webinar: IIoT and the Connected Workspace - Infrastructure to Support Industry 4.0 and Beyond

  • Webinar

The audience will receive a comprehensive overview of trends in the IIoT space and an overview of the installation challenges and product solutions to ensure a safe, stable and secure Edge installation.

Advancing Automation: Industrial Cybersecurity

  • Ebook

In this Industrial Cybersecurity eBook from, we focus on the latest insights and initiatives changing the landscape of cybersecurity.

Advancing Automation: IIoT and Industry 4.0

  • Ebook

Explore a range of tools and techniques from some of industry’s IoT leaders in this sponsored ebook from