Submit Content’s editorial staff would like to review your quality content for publication. To ensure that we are able to consider your content as soon as possible, please follow the guidelines below. If published, your content will appear under applicable Topic Portals on, after which we will consider it for inclusion in our e-newsletters, ebooks and other publications.

Guidelines for News/Press Releases

Email news/press releases to [email protected]. (For product-specific news releases, see guidelines below.) 

  • Send a Word document as an attachment or as plain text in the body of your email. 
  • DO NOT send PDFs or .zip files. 
  • Include high-resolution images as separate attachments in .JPG, .GIF or .PNG format. Don’t embed images in the email message or in the attached Word document.  
  • Include a one- to two-sentence summary of the release for publication on our website. 
  • Press releases can include company news, acquisitions, application stories (case studies), new or enhanced services, literature items, catalogs, white papers, data sheets, etc. 
  • Include the date of release, contact and company information.
  • Because our readers want the most recent industry happenings, we will usually not publish any news release submitted 60 days or more after the original release date. Our content team searches other news sites for every applicable press release to determine the original release date. Add [email protected] to your press release distribution list for initial release dates. 
  • We will typically not publish news releases that are unrelated to automation or those that announce sales price promotions. We do not publish announcements about show exhibition or magazine awards, or application stories that do not name the end user.
  • Do not write the release like an advertisement; it should be newsworthy and not promotional in nature. 
  • Please include an e-mail address, phone number and website for further inquiries. All releases will include a link to your website's main page.  
Note: We reserve the right to use our editorial discretion when publishing your news/press releases on our site. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Landon for more information. 

Guidelines for Product Announcements/Updates 

Email product announcements to [email protected].
  • Send a Word document as an attachment or as plain text in the body of your email.  
  • DO NOT send PDFs or .zip files. 
  • Include high-resolution images as separate attachments in .JPG, .GIF or .PNG format. Don’t embed images in the email message or in the attached Word document.  
  • Product releases must be about a new or significantly enhanced product. 
  • Product releases must include date of release, contact and company information. 
  • Please include an e-mail address, phone number and website for further product inquiries. All releases will include a link to your website's main page.  
  • Include a one- to two-sentence summary of the release for publication on our website. 
  • Write to the editor, not the customer. For example, instead of saying, “You can use the Product,” say, “An engineer can use the Product.” 
  • The following will be removed from press releases and should be avoided: 
    • Extravagant statements, particularly exaggerations about the product 
    • Superlatives or biased descriptors (ground-breaking, industry-leading, etc.) 
    • Unsupported claims (faster, less expensive, etc.); however, if evidence to back up the claims exists, cite it. As an example, this sentence offers no value to our reader: "The state-of-the-art, rugged [insert product name here] was designed to drive significantly enhanced productivity and avoid costly expenses due to downtime."’ This can apply to many products—be specific about your product. 

Note: We reserve the right to use our editorial discretion when publishing your product releases on our site. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Melissa Landon for more information. 

Guidelines for Feature Articles (Bylined) & Stories feature articles provide an opportunity to illustrate expertise through thought leadership, technical knowledge, in-depth analyses of industry trends and troubleshooting/optimization strategies related to the automation industry. Our audience comprises manufacturing, industrial and business professionals, particularly engineers, operations managers, business directors and others working in the automation industry.

  • Please submit features to [email protected].
  • Features should be 500-1,500 words. Most features we publish are between 700-1,000 words, and shorter is usually better. 
  • We appreciate wholly original material, but features may be adapted from blog posts, whitepapers, case studies or other materials. We do not accept articles that have been published by other media outlets within the past 6 months. 
  • Provide a headline and one- to two-sentence summary of the feature. Shorter is always better.
  • Be aware that headlines, summaries and opening paragraphs may be edited for style and SEO. 
  • All features should have named authors and can quote other people or not as the topic requires.
  • Articles submitted by PR companies can be ghost-written and bylined by someone within the client company. The exception to the author rule is Case Histories, which can appear with just the submitting company’s name.
  • Send a Word document as an attachment or as plain text in the body of your email. DO NOT send PDFs or .zip files. 
  • Include the author’s name, company title or function, and email address, as well as the company’s name and website.
  • Include high-resolution images as separate attachments in .JPG, .GIF or .PNG format. Don’t embed images in the email message or in the attached Word document. If you include multiple figures, make sure to number (and caption, if applicable) each picture file appropriately. 
  • Provide one website/URL for the “Read More” button at the bottom of the page to lead to. We can accommodate tracking links for Sponsored (paid) articles.
  • Include an e-mail address, phone number and website for further inquiries.

​Note: We reserve the right to use our editorial discretion when deciding to publish features on our site. We reserve the right to edit articles to conform to our guidelines and SEO.

We do not permit the following: 

  • References to competitors by name in any potentially comparative or exclusive manner, other than a general awareness mention in the most evenly represented, data-based, fair way. 
  • Content that is product specific or promotional in nature, explicitly tries to sell a product or service. Features are content marketing opportunities designed to provide valuable information to industry professionals. Advertising space is available separately for product specific or promotional articles and specific calls to action.
  • Any discussion that, under normal standards of courtesy and maturity, would offend another provider of similar equipment and services. 

If you have any questions, see our Media Planner or contact Melissa Landon for more information.

Guidelines for Ebook Articles 

Articles submitted for an ebook can be adapted whitepapers, blog posts, original reports, or other non-commercial essays or technical papers designed to inform, educate and enlighten our audience of global automation professionals. They will be reformatted to fit the design of the ebook. 

  • Your non-promotional article should be approximately 1,500-2,000 words (if over, we will automatically cut it down to fit this range). Articles will also be edited to fit our style and format. You will be sent a proof for review prior to publication.
  • Some special edition ebooks allow space for thought leader columns. Submit approximately 500 words about the topic we provide (e.g., trends in the industry, smart manufacturing, etc.). 
  • Articles may be based on material that has been published/distributed elsewhere, but we cannot pick up material copyrighted to another publication. Our editors can make recommendations or adapt your source material for publication, subject to your approval.  
  • Include high-resolution images as separate attachments in .JPG, .GIF or .PNG format. Don’t embed images in the email message or in the attached Word document.
  • Provide a high-resolution headshot (preferably 300 dpi) of the author, a 350-character bio, and a top-level or deep-link URL for the company.  Please include the author's email address or LinkedIn profile URL.
  • The headline of the article should not be exactly the same as your existing whitepaper or report.  
  • The article should include a link for more information. You can link to the original report or whitepaper on your website, a topic-specific URL, or any other destination you prefer. If you don’t provide a specific link, we will use your company’s home page URL. 
  • After your contributed article is published in the ebook, you may publish or distribute a copy of the article to your audience. Be sure to publish the entire page so the branded footer is visible. Also, if you publish the article on your website, social media, etc., we’d appreciate if you could link to or reference the specific ebook title, publication month, and our company–for example: Appeared in the January 2021 issue of InTech Focus, an publication.

If you have any questions about format or content, contact Chief Editor Renee Bassett at [email protected].

Submit Your Event 

Click here to submit your event to 

Purchase Reprints 

An representative can work with you to create a customized reprint package, including hardcopy reprints, PDFs, or mobile-friendly products. Contact Nathan Swailes at [email protected] or 1-800-428-3340 x 149.