- August 11, 2022
- White Paper
RelaxC Controller Improves and Maintains Process Control
by John Masse, APPEDGE

This next-generation process controller is a real alternative to the complexity and difficulty of tuning conventional controllers.
RelaxC is the Swiss Army Knife for decision-makers, engineers, technicians, and students who wish to accelerate their process control projects by obtaining maximum performance for their processes, whatever their sector of activity: Drones, avionics, marine, water treatment, biology, energy management, production (building, oven), machine tools, engines or other machinery. This novel control algorithm has been implemented on a Soft PLC (among other platforms) and has been successfully tested in complex industrial plants.
RelaxC frees industrial innovation from mathematical constraints while simplifying its implementation. With its ad hoc algorithmic structure, RelaxC frees itself from hard mathematical difficulties as well as from a tedious and imprecise process modeling to guarantee robust control with an easy adjustment, i.e., without any calculation beforehand.
Download this whitepaper to find out how RelaxC works and to see interesting configurations for this adaptive control method. Author John Masse has dedicated many years to innovating in the field of process control, simulation and optimization within the automotive and space industries. He is a member of ISA France, and founder of APPEDGE.