White Papers

6th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing Report
- White Paper
Participants in a recent global survey of nearly 300 manufacturers recognized the importance of smart manufacturing for agile decision making, process automation and greater efficiency. This study from Plex Systems, in collaboration with Hanover Research, explores how manufacturers can use technology to address today’s challenges and take advantage of long-term opportunities.

2020 Industrial Automation Salary Survey
- White Paper
Conducted in Fall 2020, the Automation.com 2020 salary survey reflects the early effects of pandemic-related economic upheavals for engineering, business and technical professionals in manufacturing and industry.

New Motion Control Techniques for Servo and Step Motors
- White Paper
This paper explores the benefits and limitations of the stepper servo control technique, also called closed loop stepper, and explains why it is attracting serious attention from machine designers.

Actions from Insights: Making the Most of Data in Manufacturing
- White Paper
This special report from Smart Industry features expert perspective from OSIsoft principals and partners on a range of topics in the world of digital manufacturing—from smart strategies to evolving processes to operating your plant as an innovation hub.

Information Technology and Operations Technology: Beyond Convergence
- White Paper
The whitepaper outlines why organizations need to move beyond IT/OT convergence to ensure full integration—for enterprise security.

Eliminating Friction From Industrial IoT Initiatives
- White Paper
In "Eliminating Friction," VP of Business Development Dave Westrom explains that the true cause of failure is the lack of getting to value quickly. After all, time is money, and the more time spent trying to launch a successful IIoT initiative, the greater likelihood it will fail.

Achieving Energy Efficiency and Sustainability with Data-driven Insights
- White Paper
Organizations need data-based energy management solutions to succeed in the era of digitalization, says a new ABB whitepaper.

Choosing the Right Power Measurement Instrument
- White Paper
To empower development teams to fulfill their objectives across the development cycle, it is important to consider a whole solution approach toward instrument selection.

Manual Work Meets Modern Automation to Empower Workers with Handicaps
- White Paper
This paper explores how Martinshof Werkstatt Bremen is empowering workers with handicaps to excel operating manual workstations, which are indispensable, despite advancing digitalization.

How Digital Transformation and IoT Can Contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- White Paper
This paper uses a modified version of the Golden Circle, changing the original sequence to Why-What-How to approximate how organizations currently operate and thereby increase the chances of achieving the relevant UN SDG.