White Papers

Open Industry 4.0 Alliance Technical Solution Design Principles
- White Paper
This white paper is focused on helping readers understand in detail the Open Industry 4.0 solution reference architecture framework for interoperability. It provides a dive deep into key design principles of its members defined and supported end to end solutions

How Will the PLC Market be Impacted by the Manufacturing Slowdown?
- White Paper
With the manufacturing sector facing a bleak outlook in 2019, we thought it prudent to share our projections for the growth and development of the programmable logic controller (PLCs) market in key countries and industries, calling out specific bright spots and those set to suffer more deeply.

What Do Engineers Need to Know about Encoders and Motors for Oil & Gas?
- White Paper
Position sensors and motors are crucial components in oil and gas equipment and must operate day in and day out in some of the most challenging conditions.

The Trillion-Dollar Question for Advanced Industries: How to extract full value from technology?
- White Paper
As data, connectivity, and processing power expand, so do opportunities for industrial companies to extract value through innovative products, services, and business models. This McKinsey study delves further into how technology delivers value to today's industry.

The 6 Most Important Parts of a Temperature Monitoring System
- White Paper
Whether you’re tasked with recommending what to buy, a purchasing agent or the ultimate end user, you can ensure that you’re getting the right system by learning a bit about the most important parts to focus on.

What Design Engineers Need to Know About Voice Coil Actuator Technology
- White Paper
Originally developed for audio speakers, voice coil actuation technology is now being used to provide precise and reliable motion control for a wide range of medical, industrial process and space applications.

What's the Use of the IIoT?
- White Paper
The IIoT connects devices with the digital world to provide data visibility. But the real value of the IIoT lies in how that data will be used by industry to realize the potential beneļ¬ ts of this connectivity.

Download White Paper
- White Paper
This brief overview has been designed to help guide users through the basics of data loggers and how they can simplify data collection for an organization.

What Do Industrial Engineers Need to Know About Functional Safety?
- White Paper
Engineers designing systems for industrial and factory applications are adopting functional safety design practices to reduce the risk of system failures that could result in costly damage or injury.

A Case for an Internet Code of Conduct
- White Paper
Self-regulation or legislation does not stifle innovation at all. It steers the internet in the right direction. It is just an example, albeit a very important example, of market feedback for engineers and innovators to develop the right products.